ASB offers Future Problem Solving Program International

FPSPI sessions begin on Wednesday 20th September 2023 from 12h40-2pm
Working hand in hand with the FPSPI (Future Problem Solving Program International) based in the U.S.A., we are the only school to have this internationally recognized program in France. We also proud of record: for three years we qualified for the international round, with students placing either 1st or 2nd in the final.
The FPSPI has founded the program so as to:
“develop the ability of young people globally to design and promote positive futures through problem solving using critical and creative thinking.”
Does your child enjoy thinking creatively and innovating? Are they stimulated by solving real-world problems? Are they interested in gaining an understanding of issues in today’s world and complex situations in the future? Would they like to do creative writing in a fun, stimulating environment? Do they like working with others and sharing their ideas? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Future Problem Solving is the right activity for your child.
Future Problem Solving is an opportunity to learn about the world and develop ways to make a better tomorrow. You can find out more about Future Problem Solving by visiting their website.
While participating in this activity, students do project work that can be submitted to the FPSPI annual competition. If selected, finalists travel to the US (health and safety measures permitting) to present their work. Led by Mrs. Le Coustumer Future Problem Solving will give your child an opportunity to dive into:
- Teams of 4 or individual participants research a series of global topics and learn a six step creative problem solving process. Problem solvers do creative problem solving to find solutions in an imagined/future situation. Teams compete against teams from around the globe, submitting their proposals to the FPSPI competition.
Future Problem Solving club members meets from 12:40-2pm on Wednesday afternoon- students bring a packed lunch and eat at school.
Open to students from 6ème to 3ème.
We look forward to seeing your child there!