Poetry by Heart

Poetry by Heart

Many congratulations to all IND finalists who went to compete against other schools at the national finals of the 2023 Poetry by Heart competition.

And a well-deserved, albeit virtual, round of applause to 

Maylis Chaignon-Duchene (3ème)


Chloé Dufer (1ère)

who both achieved a runners-up place in their respective rounds, and to

Maeve Liotard(Tle)

who took first place in the Terminale category.

As in previous years, our Poetry by Heart competition began in the winter term as our collège and lycée students selected poems to recite for the initial in-class heats. As the name suggests, Poetry by Heart competitions involve students learning and reciting a poem, using their voice, intonation, and comprehension of a poem to give their audience a unique understanding and appreciation of the piece. In many ASB classes students took an active part in the process, evaluating each other's poem recitals along with their teacher.

Round 2 of the in-house competition took place over a series of morning breaks, as the finalists of each in-class heat recited their poems again for a panel of ASB judges. 

Fast forward to Friday 10 March when our middle school entrants attended the national finals at the Institut de la Tour, Paris 16 alongside 19 other schools. 13 schools took part in the upper school national finals which took place on Saturday 11 March at the Ecole Jeanine Manuel, Paris 15. 


Pieces jointes :

Mis à jour le 12/09/2023
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