Summer Reading and Textbooks for Collège & Lycée Students 2024-25

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Dear Parents and Students,

Before you pack up for summer holiday, make sure that you have your required summer reading!  Please click on the appropriate PDF below to find out what you need to read this summer.  

Please note that students entering 2nde Literature have two separate reading lists.  


Incoming 4ème, 3ème, 2nde and 1ère students also have a summer history reading list and assignment that should be completed during the holiday and handed in at the rentrée.  Make sure you take note of the assignment BEFORE you start reading your book, as this will facilitate the writing process.  

All students will be  given a summer reading assignment at the rentrée.  


For all students in 6ème through to Terminale, the ASB will be ordering textbooks for all families who opted to sign up for this service. 

Books have also been ordered for all students in the Primary Passport to Bilingual classes; however, students in the Primary Anglophone classes will need to purchase their own books for September and will not be charged. (Parents of Primary Anglophone class students will have already received the relevant information concerning book details from the Primary school-for your quick reference a PDF has been uploaded onto our website).

Please note that you will be invoiced directly for your child's books during the first trimester of 2024-2025. It should also be noted that, for some classes, the ASB will be purchasing further novels during the school year.  

For familes who have opted to purchase the text books themselves, please refer to the list of required text books for 2024-25.  

Happy Summer Reading!


ASB Literature & History Faculty

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mise à jour le 16 juillet 2024

Mis à jour le 02/02/2022
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